There have been many cases of neglect where the patient is unable to move or speak and the medical staff ignores the resident for long periods of time. The most common injury with these types of cases are bedsores. Neglect can also mean missing scheduled medications, which can prolong illness or even worsen a diagnosed condition that could lead to a premature death. These are examples of neglect and there are many more situations in which a resident can be harmed. Once a loved one shows signs of neglect, you should call the New York State Department of Health Nursing Home Complaint hotline (1-888-201-4563) .
Abuse may seem similar to neglect and in a way it is, however nursing home abuse means much more than someone not doing his or her job. Abuse implies that either one or more staff members are deliberately causing harm to residents of the
facility. Data from state Adult Protective Services (APS) show an increasing trend in the reporting of elder abuse which can mean either elder abuse is on the rise or reporting abuse is becoming more common.