NY Nursing Home Injury Center

Antipsychotics and Dementia Care – Fighting the Use by Nursing Homes to Over-Medicate Residents for the Convenience of Staff

One common fear of living in a nursing home is the fear of being over-drugged by staff into such a state that we are no longer ourselves.  This situation is sometimes referred to as being “chemically restrained” – a resident is being given drugs so that they can be easier to handle. In the past, read more...

Nursing Home Abuse from Other Residents

When we think of nursing home abuse, perhaps the first thing that comes to mind may be an undertrained, uncaring staff member who may verbally abuse a resident or be rough on the resident when moving the resident from a wheelchair to a bed.  Certainly, these incidents, and much worse, occur from staff members. What read more...

Supervisors May Have Forced a Nursing Home Investigator to Close Cases

A San Diego nursing home investigator turned whistleblower alleges that she was ordered to close cases prematurely by her supervisors at the State of California’s Department of Health. The investigator’s suit alleges discrimination after three of her supervisors discouraged her from seeking treatment for severe carpal tunnel syndrome, denied reasonable accommodation for such condition, and read more...

Social Media Abuse of Nursing Home Residents Sparks Outrage

A recent ProPublica article identified over three dozen incidents since 2012 where nursing home residents’ dehumanizing or degrading photographs were posted to social media sites. In some of these photographs, the residents were partially or completely naked. 16 incidents involved the social media site, Snapchat, where a photo appears and then disappears within a few read more...

Causes of Nursing Home Negligence

What Five Actions Must Nursing Homes Take to Provide Proper Care? As New York nursing home neglect and abuse lawyers, we understand the decision to place a loved one in a nursing home or long term care facility is not easy. You want to make sure that your loved one is well taken care of, read more...