New York Bedsore and Pressure Sore Lawyers – We Fight For The Victims of Nursing Home Neglect

Bedsores (also known as “pressure ulcers” or “pressure sores”) develop when there is prolonged pressure on the skin, which can result from a body being immobile for long periods of times.  Contrary to the term, bedsores can develop from any position in which a body is not moved, including wheel chairs, recliners, and sofas.

The Development of Bedsores 

Bedsores often occur where the weight of the body is born by bones, which then (through skin) are in contact with other surfaces (such as a chair).  Hips, tailbones, and heels are common areas where bedsores develop.

Bedsores occur in those who are physically unable to move themselves (such as those who have suffered from stroke, paralysis, or another condition).  The sores occur as the result of prolonged pressure in one area of the skin, which causes an ulcer to develop.

Bedsores can also develop from friction (when the skin is dragged across a surface, such as when a caretaker moves a patient), and shear(when two surfaces are moved in the opposite direction, such as when a hospital bed is raised and the patient’s head moves in another direction).[1]  Younger people in good health experience friction and shear all the time; however, since their skin is healthy, no negative effects occur.  This is not the case with the elderly who may be in poor health, and whose skin is more fragile and susceptible to damage.

For More Information See: Can I Sue a Nursing Home for Bedsores?

Bedsore Prevention, Prognosis and Complications

Those who are unable to move themselves due to paralysis, stroke, or other medical condition are at a significant risk of developing bedsores, particularly if ongoing preventative measures are not undertaken.  For those at high risk, certain types of cushions in wheelchairs may be helpful, and for those bedridden, frequent turning is helpful.

If these and other preventative methods are not undertaken, it is possible that bedsores can develop rapidly, and, if not treated, can get significantly worse quickly.  Medically, they are rated in stages, which range from Stage I (the least severe, which often includes discolored skin) to Stage IV (the most severe, in which there is a large-scale loss of tissue, often exposing muscle, bone, or tendons).

Additionally, bedsores can lead to complications, including:

  • Sepsis, a life-threatening condition that can result in organ failure,
  • Cellulitis, a skin and soft tissue infection, which can also be life-threatening,
  • Bone and joint infections,
  • Cancer (squamous cell carcinoma).

Investigating and Initiating Litigation for Bedsore Injuries and Complications

As experienced New York personal injury trial lawyers, we have represented the injured and their families for more than 65 years throughout the state of New York, including Rochester, Syracuse, and Buffalo.  In a bedsore injury case, we will want to understand the full scope of the injury, so that we can determine if nursing home negligence played a role in the injury.  If it did, we will want to understand the full scope of the injury, any complications that resulted (including if the bedsore led to complications which may have resulted in wrongful death).

We take on difficult and complex cases, and work tenaciously toward seeking full compensation for our clients.  If you or a loved one experienced bedsores and complications due to negligence, we invite you to call us for a free, no-obligation consultation.

[1] Bedsores, // 

Client Review

In December 2007, I was stunned and completely devastated with the loss of my Father. He had gone to a rehabilitation/nursing home for a scheduled 3 weeks to improve the strength in his legs after being ill. The plan was rehabilitation and then return to his home for his active life.

Dad left that facility in an ambulance and was dead 31 days after arriving there for basic rehabilitation. Refusal by the staff doctor to follow my Fathers hospital discharge orders, nurses and aids not following standard care procedures resulted in daily errors and problems. All of my requests for doctor consultation were ignored. The staff discarded daily notes from me.

How could this happen? Why?? After spending weeks of sleepless nights, I consulted a friend who gave me countless reasons to just accept my Fathers death and heal.

I couldn’t let it go. I heard my Dad’s painful screams from the skin being eaten off his legs due to poor hygiene from the Nurses. I saw the hopelessness in his eyes when I explained there were no other facility openings to transfer him. I watched his dignity and will to live diminish. NO ONE DESERVES that type of treatment.

I was then referred to Bill Friedlander Esq., Friedland & Friedlander Law Firm.. We met and after explaining how difficult it is to prove my allegations, Bill miraculously accepted the case. Bill discovered cover-ups, lies, corporate mishandlings, state regulation violations, ineptness – he just kept investigating even after their insurance company filed for Chapter 7 Bankruptcy. Every legal filing was delayed, counter filed, this case dragged on for years, with no remorse or acknowledgement. I was discouraged, but Bill and his associate Dave Hoey convinced me that the nursing home was trying to break me by dragging this out until I would just give up.

After a 13 day trial and hung jury, Bill continued fighting for my Father – He and Dave Hoey were relentless. Finally the Nursing Home and their Doctor caved (3 weeks prior to the next scheduled trial). William Friedlander Esq. and David Hoey, Esq. had won Justice for my Dad and the case was settled.

I will never be able to express my gratitude to these two Attorneys who fought so hard for my Dad. The passion and kindness shown to me during this 7 year ordeal will always be with me.

Avvo 5 Star Review – Carla

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